When Gurnoor started school he needed assistance to even wear clothes, but after getting trained, he even wears his clothes, but after getting trained, he can now do it on his own. In the beginning, he couldn’t even hold the spoon but now he can have his food himself.
Earlier he could not speak complete words but now he has learned to do so. Now he even answers when his name is called out.
Gurnoor has learned to color well. He was trained for it at school. He was taught diva painting too. Now, on Diwali, he paints the divas.
He can write his own name properly now, but earlier he couldn’t even hold the pencil well. Gurnoor is good at cycling. He has a great interest in football as well.
He participates in both district and state-level games. In the Punjab State Special Olympics 2019, he won a gold medal for 25m race as well as a silver medal in the 50m race.
When Gurnoor started school, he called not dance but now he participates in many dance programs.
In the Districts special Olympics 2019, he won a bronze medal in 25 m run and another bronze in 50m race.