About munishsethi777

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So far munishsethi777 has created 99 blog entries.



When Deepa joined ‘Ek Prayaas’ she was a very hyper child. She used to hit everyone whenever she wen but in public, she used to get angry and used to hit the persons badly standing next to her. Gradually her behavior changed. Whenever she used to go out in public she was controlled politely by


Akshit Garg


Akshit has been attending ‘Ek Prayaas’ school from a few months when he joined the school he didn’t have a habit of sitting on his place but he used to roam about. Pant now he has started sitting on his seat. He has started the art of brushing his front teeth. He has started maintaining

Akshit Garg2020-06-04T11:44:58+00:00



When Yatin started school, he was very young. He learned everything at school and he didn’t listen to his parents at all. He used to wander in the streets going to different houses, asking for tea. Slowly and gradually his habit of wandering was improved and he was asked to sit aside and do nothing.




When Silky came to school, she knew nothing she was toilet-trained at school. Now she can go to the washroom on her own. Now she can peel the peas herself, she is learning to peel bananas too. Silky is learning many types of poems at school. She can even recite the Gayatri Mantra. She can




When Kapil joined the school he knew nothing. School has trained Kapil to do many things like combing his hair, dusting, ironing his clothes. Now he can independently work on many things. He can cook Maggie and chapatti. Earlier Kapil didn’t know how to read and write. The school has taught him to read and


Gurpreet Kaur (Preeti)


Preeti is a very old student of ‘Ek Prayaas’ school. She was a dependent child before coming to school. But now she tries to do many activities on her own. Now Preeti can copy and identify her name, her parent's name, and her brother’s name. Preeti can prompt verbally. Also, she participates in small games

Gurpreet Kaur (Preeti)2020-06-04T11:41:13+00:00

Naman Malhotra


When Naman joined the school his sitting capacity was null. But now he sits for long in the class. Naman got his teeth brushing training from school. Now he can brush his front teeth and he can wash his face and hands on his own. Earlier Naman couldn’t speak a single word properly. But none

Naman Malhotra2020-06-04T11:40:04+00:00

Naman Verma


Naman already knew a few things when he started school. He could use the washroom all by himself. Now he is learning to differentiate between ladies and gents toilets. Earlier Naman did not eat any vegetables or healthy food but now he likes them. He now knows the value of healthy eating. Naman could not

Naman Verma2020-06-04T11:39:11+00:00



When Gurnoor started school he needed assistance to even wear clothes, but after getting trained, he even wears his clothes, but after getting trained, he can now do it on his own. In the beginning, he couldn’t even hold the spoon but now he can have his food himself. Earlier he could not speak complete


Shivneet Kaur


Shivneet Kaur never went to school before she joined ‘Ek Prayaas’. She was alone 18 when she joined the ‘Ek Prayaas’ school and has seen attending it for the past. One year earlier she didn’t know how to hold a pencil but not she knows well how to hold it. She also knows to trace.

Shivneet Kaur2020-06-16T04:25:05+00:00
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