• When Kapil joined the school he knew nothing. School has trained Kapil to do many things like combing his hair, dusting, ironing his clothes. Now he can independently work on many things. He can cook Maggie and chapatti.
  • Earlier Kapil didn’t know how to read and write. The school has taught him to read and write his own name and his parent’s name. Now he can write speak count from 1 to 10, Kapil has also leaned the art of coloring different things. He now participates in drawing competitions, paints divas on Diwali. The school has taught Kapil to stitch kitchen napkins and he is given payment for the same from the school.
  • Earlier Kapil didn’t know how to dance. But now after the guidance from the school, he has learned to dance. Also, he has participated in UMANG. Kapil can also do the Bhangra.
  • Kapil has also participated in state level and district level games. Kapil won a silver medal in District special Olympics 2019