Naman already knew a few things when he started school. He could use the washroom all by himself. Now he is learning to differentiate between ladies and gents toilets. Earlier Naman did not eat any vegetables or healthy food but now he likes them. He now knows the value of healthy eating.
Naman could not hold the pencil in the beginning but now he has learned to trace his name and the numbers!
He did not know anything about colors and coloring as to use to try to chew the crayons but now he enjoys scribbling. He is autistic and often does only what he pleases and is lost in his own thoughts.
He learns poems very quickly and he knows quite a few now. He can count from one to thirty. He likes the computer and he can turn it ‘on’ himself. He also obeys his teacher when asked to turn it off.
He likes cycling and peddling but only when he wishes to. He plays with balls and he can collect them and put them in a basket. He participates in school activities like garland making and games like how to throw the ball in the basket.