Shanky is also one of the old students of our school. On the day he joined our school he was totally blank, he was not at all stable and made a lot of noise. With lots of efforts from our school team, we have perceived many good changes in him.
Today he is totally independent in his self-living skills. He able to maintain personal hygiene, eat, bath & groom himself.
Due to the problem in his speech he is able to speak a few words only like; mama, papa, chai, khana, Pani Etc. but can understand everything through lip moment.
He is capable to write his name, mother’s name, father’s name, and school name.
He understands number concepts from 1-5 and can write numbers from one to ten. He can do coloring in big pictures.
He has a good social attitude as he is always ready to help teachers and other students. He has keen devotion to god and listens to prayers carefully.
He has enhanced physical strength. He participates in sports and dance competitions and also won many prizes.
Shanky helps his family in home living works like laundry work, wash utensils, binding beds, etc. He also supports his family’s grocery store.
In the vocational area, he helps in painting pottery and pasting Shagun envelope pasting